True SUCCESS in life is measured by how gracefully you overcome obstacles. ~Junior Sanchez {LION}


To create employment and career opportunities for individuals who are finding it difficult to return to the workforce. Our focus is to merge their specific crafts and skills with organizations seeking them. RIFT is SUCCESS!


We at RIFT SUCCESS are here to be the rift in the miss-communication between employees and employers by means of uniting both parties via a solution. We are a group of professionals with years of experience in the consulting, human resources, business, entrepreneurship, real estate, and staffing industries. We take each client on a case by case basis and provide all available options promptly. Our goal is to help them reach their personal SUCCESS.


With the troubling trend of unemployment still on the rise, RIFT SUCCESS pairs up with job seekers of all kinds and all trades in order to aid them in finding their right company fit. We pride ourselves in aiding all who need employment to further their long term life goals.


The fact remains that recently released, ex-incarcerated individuals need employment once released in order to provide for themselves, their families, and the economy but are finding it difficult to do so. At RIFT SUCCESS we provide work and career opportunities for those that wish to return to the workforce thus enhancing their quality of life and lowering their risk of returning to crime as a means of survival.

We ARE the solution to these pending problems and will not give up until we have helped all parties succeed. To see this solution as a successful end to a means is our mission and one which we will always base our programs on.



I am in the business of doing business to help your business so let's do business!!

Junior Sanchez

Junior Sanchez
The Networking King
My photo
As a professional I understand the value one individual can have in an organization, and for this reason I mandate myself to be the best at anything I do. I solidly stand by my product, for my product is me. I live with the understanding that in any industry a successful business person must possess three key components: 1)Incorruptible Ethics 2)Strong Will and Determination to Succeed 3)Full Knowledge and Understanding of Oneself I work hard to succeed and believe that failure is not an option. Any company I have worked with or any client I have done business with understands that my word to them is as good as gold because I stand behind my product, me. I have an unyielding passion for business, any business; for business is the foundation of the world.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

RIFT SUCCESS CEO Embarks On Monumental Crusade

My Fellow Americans,

I find myself quite concerned about the current state of affairs in our beloved nation.  Our economic plunge has lead us into an immense depression and the unemployment rate continues to escalate day by day to heights we have never seen before.  Knowing how desperate these times are as both an American and as CEO of RIFT SUCCESS, I feel it my duty to do something about this immediately.  Our president states that it will take 300,000 jobs filled just to make a positive impact on the economy.  300,000 jobs to make a dent!  Well, if that is the case then I am more than willing to do my part and feel that I need to up the ante.  RIFT SUCCESS, Jaxi West Companies, and I have officially embarked on a mission.  This mission is to place 360,000 Americans back into the workforce in 360 days!  That’s 360,000 jobs in 360 days!  This may be a monumental task, but I know that it will surely change the face of history and the course of our current situation.  Am I crazy?  Perhaps, but as an American, I cannot stand idle and watch without action as this continues to worsen.  Our team will utilize all our resources and find employment for as many people as we can throughout the United States. 

I am challenging businesses of all sorts to join us on this mission.  As our American Business Legacy is now in peril, we as businesses need to stand up and take it back!  If we all join forces, I know we can make our goal of 360,000 jobs filled in 360 days a SUCCESS!  Small business; medium sized business; large business; from the corner deli to Wall Street; from pizza places to the largest manufacturing companies in the regions…I am calling you all to ACTION!  Recruiting agencies, staffing agencies, business owners, human resource personnel, I am calling you all to ACTION!  Let’s unite to create the America we remember, the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the land of opportunity.  In exchange for joining our campaign to strike at the very heart of the unemployment epidemic, I offer you the following:

  • 1)      Free Promotion of your brand on our website.
  • 2)      Exposure throughout all our networks so they know you are an integral part of this mission.
  • 3)      Phenomenal candidates to fill your open positions that will take your business to new levels.
  • 4)      The opportunity to walk the walk instead of talk the talk, and make a difference in the world.
  • 5)      The pride to know that as an American Business, you are contributing to America and all American people. 

Recruiters, staffing agencies, I request that YOU especially, partake in this endeavor for it is what you do every day.  It is the foundation of your profits and the essence of your efforts.  There are no fees to join us, there is no hidden pitch, it is as simple as letting us know who you are, sending us your company logo, and setting up a schedule to let us know how many people you’ve placed in the workforce, and where.  Business small to large, you as well, it’s the same, let us know who you are, give us your brand logo, and let us know how many candidates you’ve hired.  We can set it up for you to report weekly, monthly, quarterly, any way that it doesn’t interfere in your business practices.  It’s all as simple as an email.  RIFT SUCCESS, Jaxi West Companies, and I are here to fill 360,000 jobs in 360 days America, and all we want to know is who’s with us?  This is our challenge, this is my challenge, make it your challenge and let’s make our URGENT CHANGE 360 campaign a SUCCESS!


Chief Executive Officer


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Junior Sanchez

Junior Sanchez
The Networking King
